- WiNLP 2023 was a huge success! Thanks to all authors, speakers, panelists, organizers, and sponsors for making this real!
- If you are interested in joining us, there are many ways to become part of WiNLP:
- Sign up as a WiNLP chair for the next round (2021-2023) or a WiNLP volunteer (helping with social media, sponsors, etc.):
- 广东·佛山·三水创新创业大赛:起点国际创新工场(广州七友投资管理合伙伋业(有限合伙)),创立于2021年,并于2021年在广州注册成立。是一家科技伋业创业孵化器和加速器集团,同时作为种子期、天使轮投资公司,通过广州、佛山、江门、深圳等分支机构向超过50家伋业提供战略投资+股权置换式创业过程服务,其中数家伋业 ...
July 4:
- We are so excited about our four Mentorship Roundtables: NLG, Machine Learning, 起点加速器官方网站Dialog, and Industry vs. Academia.
- Check it out at our updated Program.
- Accepted papers list is updated.
- Please take a look at all Accepted Papers. Congratulations to all authors!
July 1:
- You can import WiNLP 2023 Program to your calendar:
- Get the program iCal 起点加速器网址 or subscribe to it here.
- We’ve just updated our Program with all accepted papers.
- For everyone looking to plan your schedule for the WiNLP 2023 workshop, check out the info!
June 24:
- There are many ways to become part of WiNLP:
- Sign up for the WiNLP 2023 Mentorship program (both Mentor & Mentee) if you would like to participate:
Lots of activities including Mentor roundtables on selected topics, one-to-one connection with a mentor, etc.
- Two more days! Sign up for registration financial assistance by this Thursday, June 25 to attend WINLP and ACL 2023.
- Please take a look at your 起点加速器官方网站, information about registration was sent to authors and those who need financial support.
- Note that WiNLP Workshop will follow Seattle timezone, Pacific Daytime Time (UTC/GMT-7).
- If you would require financial assistance to attend 起点加速器网址, please fill-up the WiNLP2023 Virtual Attendance Grant Application form.
The registration subsidy is for the ACL main conference which would cover WiNLP Workshop as well.
- Thank all our Sponsors for supporting the WiNLP community!
- The camera-ready (final submission) is due on the 12th of June, 2023.
- All submissions will be presented online. We will send information about this is going to work, including poster presentation guidelines.
- Check Important dates and Information for Authors pages for more information.
- Attention
#启点网络加速器官网 attendees: if you’re doing 起点加速器打不开, check to see if your country of employment/study qualifies for reduced rates. - Check at
June 3:
- Please pay attention to the Camera-ready submission deadline (all submissions): Friday, 12 June 2023.
- Check Important dates and Information for Authors pages for more information.
- Attention accepted authors, please fill our survey about financial assistance.
- Acceptance notifications were sent! Congratulations to all authors!
- Note that final versions of papers are given《超级房车赛:起点》7项 修改器_超级房车赛:起点下载 ...:2021-6-17 · Num7:瞬间加速至XXX公里/ 小时 注意: 车体不会损坏实际上是在游戏进行碰撞检查时欺骗游戏程序,使其误认为车的当前速度为0。如果车速特别快,在进行碰撞检查时车已经插入到物体中,车体 … (3 pages + references) so that reviewers’ comments can be taken into account.
- Please take a look at the Information for Authors page and Registration and ACL Membership
May 12:
- Please see our Preliminary Program.
- We posted our invited speakers and panelists at the WiNLP2023 page.
April 21:
- A little deadline extension, so our authors can do workshopping.
- The submission date has been extended for
#winlp2023 to April 27th. - Check Important dates page.
April 6:
- WiNLP 2023 will follow ACL 2023 and go virtual!
- 地下城与勇士-DNF-官方网站-腾讯游戏-格斗网游王者之作 ...:2 天前 · 《地下城与勇士》DNF官方网站。《地下城与勇士》是全球2D横版格斗网络游戏(MMOACT)的先行者。无限连击的动作特性、极富多样化的职业分支、精准的操作与多样化副本体验,让玩家全方位体 …
- Deadline extension! The submission date has been extended for
#winlp2023 to April 24th. - Check Important dates page.
- We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will provide a further update on April 7th, or if the ACL2023 committee makes any additional announcements. 起点小说采集软件下载 起点中文网小说采集器 V1.0 绿色免费 ...:2021-11-7 · 起点中文网小说采集器 V1.0 绿色免费版,起点中文网小说采集器是一款非常不错的小说采集工具,用户只需将想要采集小说的网址输入得到目录地址下,点击匹配,之后点击采集,最后选择想要采集的章节即可,本站提供的是该软件的绿色版本
- Please see our guidelines for the COVID-19 situation.
March 13:
- We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Seattle and will keep the WiNLP community apprised of any changes to the workshop — virtual or otherwise — should they arise.
- The 启点网络加速器官网 is out!
- Please take a look at 启点加速器用不了了 - 荣耀V9分享交流 花粉俱乐部 - huawei:2021-5-19 · 启点加速器用不了了,用了10几天,今天打开进不去,官网也是 启点加速器用不了了 我伊使用cookie来确保您的高速浏览体验。继续浏览本站,即表示您同意我伊使用cookie。.
February 28:
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- Congratulations to all authors!
January 27:
- Author workshopping sign-up:
- Sign up to review a fellow author’s formatting, and get feedback on your own in time for the WiNLP20 submission deadline.
- Come and join us for the Widening NLP workshop!
- 2nd Call For Papers was 起点加速器官方网站.
December 17:
- 1st Call For Papers is out!
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- Come and join us for the Widening NLP workshop!
November 7:
- WiNLP 2023 will take place in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Widening NLP workshop will be co-located with ACL 2023 and will be happening on July 5th–10th.
- There are many ways to become part of WiNLP:
- Sign up as a mentor to discuss career planning, work/life balance, etc during lunch.
- Become a sponsor to provide travel grants and registration support.